Search Results for: Planning

Scenario Planning – How can I do a 3-5 year Strategic Plan when I don’t know what will happen next month?
This year strategic planning is different.
Many MAS clients have quickly realized that it doesn’t make sense to plan for 3 years out…

Strategic Planning: Mission & Vision Revisit
Most organizations have a mission statement, but many Board members and senior staff can’t articulate it well. Most paraphrase with some degree of accuracy…

Planning – The Situation Review
Before looking to the future, it is vital to determine your organization’s current situation (internally and externally) and identify key trends that…

Strategic Planning: Introducing the 5 steps to effective strategic planning
Small to medium not for profits operate in an ever changing environment, and need effective strategic planning to be successful. Limited resources make this difficult, and often…

Strategic Planning is like Vacation Planning
Strategic planning, like vacation planning, could be creative and fun. But, then, it could be serious and downright difficult. For those of us who have…

Strategic Planning: Introducing the 5 steps to effective strategic planning (1 of 8)
Small to medium not for profits are operating in a changing environment and need to do effective strategic planning to be successful. But they have limited resources to…